Mondraim Books



Mobile Phones and Tablets Repairs is on sale at, Barnes & Noble, eBay and lots of online and local retail stores worldwide. It has sold thousands of copies and helping a lot of young people set up Standard tech-support centers worldwide. READ CUSTOMER REVIEWS

If you are looking for an aggregated, complete teaching or instructional step-by-step guide to mobile phone repairs, this book is all you need.

If you want to go out any day without a dime in your pocket BUT return home every evening with a pocket full of money gotten in exchange for your “know-how” in mobile phone technical service, this book is for you. It teaches enduring skills, techniques and a sound knowledge base to stay on the job, grow a business and stay relevant as a distinguished technician!

Not everyone owns a laptop or desktop; and definitely not everyone owns a mobile phone at the moment. But you will agree that more people already own and will own a mobile device in the future than a PC. Therefore a good mobile phone technician has a brighter and faster earning potential than a PC technician.